Battling with SEO

Battling with SEO

The adrenaline to keep up the enthusiasm is not pumping like it used to. I’m under the assumption that it is probably because we are extremely stressed from our respective work relationships; you know how demanding relationships can be (sorry for the people that cannot relate, myself included).
On a personal note, I just want to go back to the days when all that bothered me was wondering what food my mum packed up in my lunch bag, and if biscuits and drinks were in there too. When I was yearning for adulthood, all I wanted was the two meat in my food experience. All of this stress, deadlines, and adulthood hustle is not for me.

All complaints aside welcome to week 4 of our boot camp journey. It is always a pleasure helping you catch up on our progress. I would like to believe you still remember our blog “Vibesbythem”. For this week’s project, we were asked to carry out an SEO and content audit of the blog. In simpler terms, we were asked to evaluate or blog using SEOPTIMER, and make improvements where necessary. It felt like this task was easy to navigate until we started work.

IMG_6906.jpg We will be doing this documentation a little differently, rather than highlighting our daily escapades, we will be telling everything at once.

As usual, we had our daily virtual meetings by 5 pm. To help everyone acquire knowledge through this project, Kamdi asked everyone to run our blog’s URL on the seoptimer site, and we were also to make reports and recommendations based on the results provided.

This time around everyone did their best to be available and effective. The presentation session was fun and educational. We found out after the analysis that our blog had a score of 70 which was graded B-. After everyone had presented their research findings, we proceeded to apply the knowledge we had acquired on our blog.

image.png image.png We got to know blogger had limited features, which will eventually limit our SEO, but with our strong will we made research and tried our possible best to meet up with the score we are to achieve for this week.

Israel (bless his soul) was very invested in this project. He was about to source an explanatory video tracing us how to make the necessary adjustments and corrections to our blog so as to elevate the SEO score.

Israel and Kamdi worked hand-in-hand to ensure that we did the right thing. Kamdi mostly shared his screen during the meetings while the rest of us provided our opinions. Jumoke tried creating social media icons to connect to her accounts so we can link them to Blogger, but Blogger denied it. It gave results showing error 403. We got

At the end of the week, we weren’t able to make all the necessary corrections, but we had our SEO grade go from B- to A- (90/100). It wasn’t easy, but in the end, we all made it work out.


That will be all for the week, thank you for sticking around. Hopefully next week we get to be more energetic. See you next week and stay safe.

You can visit our blog vibesbythem for everything entertainment.